Sunday, February 2, 2014

Finally... The Food Journal, In Its Great Glory

Hey blogging world.  It's been a really long time. This is gonna be a short post, too.

I have some of the things I promised, and have lost some of the other things I promised.  Here is very detailed food journal data.  There are obvious inaccuracies that are unavoidable, but otherwise this represents everything I ate (with the exception of vacation food) since about the end of August, in condensed form with nutritional data (so you don't have to read through 1000 lines of excel).  Nutrition source used was usually the USDA's food database, though occasionally I had to add items in that the USDA doesn't have current data on, like coconut flour.  The USDA's database is incomplete for some food items, some of which I ate.  This means that the data is not terribly accurate or precise, but I have done the best I can from my end.  Food was measured with a kitchen scale; in cases where the food was consumed in its entirety with drippings, it was weighed before cooking, otherwise it was weighed after cooking.  Some items had estimated mass, since I can't always have access to my scale.  This has become a hobby of mine, and I have no intention of stopping soon.  I have lost some earlier data which I promised... Sorry.

What you will actually see here is a visualization of my food eaten and the nutrients contained within it.  Some of the data appears to be missing; do not be alarmed.  I have excluded data that is simply not interesting, such as my vitamin A intake, which has always and consistently been much higher than it has to be.  In addition, I have excluded certain vitamins and minerals for the same or similar reasons (e.g. if I supplement with them and thus get more than enough of them).  There are some minerals included that I do supplement, and still apparently don't get enough of (Like magnesium. Supplements were not included in my analysis).  I take magnesium, potassium, vitamin D, Vitamin K2, and fish oil.

Food Journal on Tableau

A few more disclaimers.  I like plain visualizations of data.  The most adventurous I got here was with a word cloud, which isn't that exciting.  I'd be interested in thoughts on what could make this look cooler, but it's not a huge concern of mine.  Also, if it's not easy to tell what's going on anywhere and you think it's important, feel free to say so.

I will be updating soon with my paper... As if anyone wants to read a 15-page amateur manifesto about hating on a medical field.  I also want to have some sort of, "I intend to blog more often, because 2014."

Until next time!