Monday, April 25, 2011


Happy Easter! It's a little late for sure but I don't care.

Easter is a day about eating eggs apparently... I'm not even sure I want eggs much now lol - at least not hard-boiled eggs.

I spent the day at my sister's house and ate a LOT of sugar and starch... and I have to say I can tell. My stomach is feeling a bit upset, and despite sleeping for most of the day I've been feeling sluggish. I'm sure it will pass soon. I'm going to try to make up for it by being extra strict for the next couple days.

Anyway, the food we had was a strata, which is like an epic bread pudding. It has half and half and cream cheese and I think sour cream mixed with bread and eggs and spices and topped with jam. Then it gets baked. We also had some monkey bread, which is like a cinnamon roll baked in a bunt pan covered with cream cheese frosting. We had some raspberry cupcakes but I abstained. For dessert we had hokey-pokey ice cream... vanilla ice cream with crispy caramel candy stirred in... it really IS what it's all about.

In addition to the goodies, I also ate a lot of bacon, chicken, and sausage. And of course eggs. I also discovered that my sweet tooth is not entirely outside of my control... I may be willing to try a no sugar (not even milk) experiment temporarily... but I still don't want to become lactose intolerant so maybe not.

I also went the to gym before breaking my diet for the first time since being sick. I can say for sure that the strength has returned (or was just never gone) but the stamina is lacking :/ I think I just need to get back into making it a regular thing and soon everything will be normal again. Also, I'm really sore today XD

I finished reading the rest of Gary Taubes' Why We Get Fat. My final conclusion is that I like it generally and think he is right generally, but he makes some assertions and logical jumps that maybe he shouldn't have. I won't get into specifics but I will say that I really liked it and highly recommend it. It has however, convinced me that I will lose weight on my diet XD which explains the initial weight loss and why I am still down about 5 pounds from the starting weight. I've been inspired by this to start including weight in my updates at least once a week.

My sister recommended that I try baked cheese chips from central market. I decided to take it a step cheaper and make my own. They made a mess of the kitchen when I scraped them off of the cookie sheet, but they were tasty. I want to try them microwaved because in my crappy oven it took forever and they baked unevenly. I also need parchment paper...

Anyway, I'm at school and it's really close to Earth Day so I don't wanna catch the ire of some angry vegans so I'm off! Till next time!

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