Thursday, March 1, 2012

More things I've been lying about...

I mentioned a long time ago that I wanted to keep a weekly update of my weight - for whatever reason. Anyway, I have not been doing so... partly because for the past 4 months I haven't had a scale (although that's no excuse since I think I only recorded my weight here one time). Anyway, I'm up to about 156 right now. I'm okay with that - it's a pound heavier than where I started, but I'm not as fat as I used to be, which is cool. I should have taken before and after pictures so that I could talk about posting them and then never follow up on it.

I finally got around to taking my blood pressure! And boy was it weird... the first measurement was something like 150/80 which spooked me a bit. So I repeated it: 140/75. Again: 130/70 [these are approximations]. Now, I know that taking your blood pressure repeatedly on the same arm can yield decreasing results like that, so I switched arms. This measurement was about 110/60. This shocked me for a number of reasons. First, why did it start so high? Second, why did it come down so low? And third, why did this all happen in about 5 minutes? Makes me wonder how accurate actual blood pressure readings are, and if we might want to start averaging blood pressure over the course of like an hour to really get a more accurate reading.

I also butchered a pork shoulder recently! Costco had a slab of pork shoulder, bone removed, weighing in at 25 pounds for about $1.70 a pound... I couldn't resist. I did not, however, manage to do a good job of chopping it up. I should have checked a guide online, but instead I just went at it with a carving knife. I got a few good steaks and several chunks of pork roast though. I still think I prefer getting my meat nicely packaged in meal-sized portions (don't reread that...).

I think I'm going to retire input/output. I watched a special about a "condition" called orthorexia, where people become obsessed with keeping track of what they eat for whatever purpose, and I've come to realize that it's not worth the effort. Besides, you know what I eat most of the time: eggs, cheese, meat, a bit of milk, occasional walnuts/pecans. And butter. Lot's of butter. And then I will share with you what is actually interesting. Same with the output - you know the details of what I have told you - it's usually not very interesting, and when it is I will say so.

I wanted to keep this brief, so I'm going to wrap it up now. I did want to mention the hipsters though. I've noticed a trend among the hip that can help to identify them during the winter. You know the skinny jeans? The skinny jeans that are also usually too short? Coupled with the fact that the bottoms are generally rolled up? So you can see their socks below their skinny little ankles? Yeah... that's how you can ID the hip during the winter months. It takes some work though - even some of the most hip won't risk that cold on their ankles.

Anyway, till next time.

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